Staying positive

Well trying atleast.

So today @ the MD I had a follice scan and it showed ONE…only ONE follice that measured 27mm with really good uterus lining.

I thought for sure since I took the Clomid that I would have more than one.

But like everyone says… It only takes one! So I’m feeling good and positive on that note.

I triggered tonight with HCG and go in Thursday morning for the IUI.

I have accupuncture in the A.m. and hope that will take my mind off things!

We need good thoughts our way… I’m already dreading the TWW


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5 responses to “Staying positive

  1. Looks like we're on the same schedule! I triggered tonight and my retrieval is on Thursday. Sorry there weren't more follies, but it sounds like it's a good one, and yes, it does only take one. Sending lots of good thoughts your way and hoping we get our BFP's on the same day πŸ™‚

  2. H2

    *Hugs* Mama. Yay for a good sized follicle and an excellent uterine lining!! That can be our mantra: "It only takes one"

  3. Here's to a BFP for you guys!!!! Fingers and toes crossed – this one will be a success πŸ™‚ I'm sure the accupuncture will help too! Sending postive thoughts and prayers your way – bring on a June baby!!!

  4. I had my IUI on sunday, and I did the acupuncture too! good luck today with your appt!

  5. Sorry you're bummed. Trina only produced ONE follicle on our first monitored injectables cycle so I feel your pain. We were like "We spent how much money on this cycle for one? ONE?". Ah well, chin up. On the flip side, ONE follicle made two of our boys. πŸ™‚

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